THEMA: Alternatieve Boekenbeurs 2014 Alternatieve Boekenbeurs Gent op zaterdag 12 april in de Centrale, Kraankinderstraat 2 te Gent.
zaterdag 12 april 2014 - 15u
Anarchistische solidariteit en anti-oorlogsinitiatieven in voorm
Anarchist solidarity and anti-war initiatives in former Yugoslavia (a recollection from Croatia).
There is no objective history. There are only different interpretations of what has happened and a very clear idea that the "ordinary", "little" people are the victims of all systems, whether these systems are founded on this or that ideology, nationalism, religion...
The wars that took part during the nineties produced only victims. Victims were caused by the media propaganda, nationalism, the states and their leaderships, local thugs, different obeyers, the ones who "carried out the orders"...
In a situation like that, mass war psychosis, there were still pockets of resistance to the conflict, nationalism, hate and the war itself, although it was all around us and became the integral part of our lives. The new normality. We will talk about anarchist actions of solidarity, different anti-war initiatives and their influence during the nineties.
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